Thursday, January 14, 2016


Hey guys! This blog won't have any post since I've finished with my foundation course already. However, there is a blog about my degree courses. Do check it out in the link below. Thank you.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Effective Public Communication - Week 13

50 words essay:

Three things I need to improve on my communication skills

For some people, communication is not easy and I’m one of them. I would need to speak more clearly next time during discussion. I also need to be aware of my face expression when talking because I tend to look very indifferent sometimes. Lastly, it would be my body language.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Paint To Music

Assignment 5

After our monogram presentation, we were told to get ready to do our last assignment, "Paint to music". We will paint while Ms. Lisa plays some songs. We have 2 playlist, one contemporary music from us and classical music from Ms. Lisa.

After we are done setting up our stuff, the music was then played. Ms. Lisa told us to focus on the music for 1 minute before starting to paint. I relax myself first and then I start painting. Since the first playlist is ours, there are songs we all knows and Ms. Lisa told us to just sing along if we wanted to.

This is the painting I did for the contemporary music
Wasn't able to finished it on time, there's so many things I wanna add from listening to the music.

After one hour, we started to set up for our next painting, the classical playlist by Ms. Lisa.

This is the painting I did for classical painting
In case if u don't know what this is, it's actually a road fills trees during autumn. I never seen autumn season before, but I bet it's beautiful.
Ms. Lisa said this is very different from what I normally do.

Some sneak shots I took when everyone was busy painting

After we clean up, everyone had rush to go home or dinner because it's pretty late already and everyone is tired, since we had class from morning. 

It was a fun assignment, even though I wish we had longer time to do it, I enjoyed myself. I reminds me of how fun it is to paint, since I love painting but haven't gotten the time to do it nowdays, And listening to music while I paint is something common in my life. I wish we can do more. 

Since today will be our last class together with Ms. Lisa, I would like to say
Thank you for everything!!

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Monogram Design

Assignment 4

For this assignment, Ms. Lisa told us that we need to make our own monogram based on our name initials. She show us some monogram example for us to get the idea of it. It like what we did for printmaking assignment last semester. However, for this time we are using stencils. Ms. Lisa said that we didn’t really do a lot of research during our last semester, so she asked us to do a research at the library for one hour and a half on that day. We will come back to the classroom to again later.

This is some of the pictures I took that inspired me.

After coming back to the class, Ms. Lisa told us to do a discussion among the group and they will decide what theme suit the best and tell to her later. My friends told me that mine is more to “fashion”. However, Ms. Lisa said that might not be the right word and I suggested “Elegant” instead. 

 Here's some of my sketches

Ms. Lisa choose 3 design and asked me to work on it more again. 

My sketches

Out of the 3 above, she told me to do work on this a little bit more.
I sketched this out during the holidays and gave to her via facebook.

On Monday, after the holidays, we come to class to finalized our idea with her. After discussing with Ms. Lisa, she told me somehow the design doesn't seem to be like my style and asked try to do more soft flow lines.

She helped me by sketching out some as an example.

 these are some of the sketches I did.
 Ms. Lisa told me that she like most of the design I did and asked me which one is my favourite,
I told her I like middle one, the one I've bold it a bit. She said that she likes it but make the word "N" more soft so it won't looked so odd.
I sketch it out real quick and Ms. Lisa approved it. 
I've finally finalize my design :)

These are the things I'm planning to print on my monograms

Last Friday, we started on printing our monogram.
I use mostly sponge technique

I tried testing on first.

Re-arranging for the pattern I want

cutting my stencils for the pattern print.


cutting my stencils for the fonts of my name

Doing the poster and the pattern at the same time because since it takes time for them to dry, so I just take turns to of doing it.

I did another poster

The final outcome:

Presentation day:

Ms. Lisa told I did a good job and it does look like a series, She like the way I did the pattern and how the pattern itself have a connection with the galaxy poster I did as well.(So it's not really out of place) Ms. Lisa also asked me, whether I'm proud or not for completing this, Yes I do. :) 

Here's some of my friends works:

Everyone did so good and pretty! 

Monogram is nice and it was fun. Even though I hate cutting stencils, I won't mind doing something like this. I'm probably going to do more of this things in the future, It's really a good experience for me.